Year: 2020

Interfrisian Keyboard is now abled to tipe Oldfrisian and Sylt Frisian

Interfrisian Keyboard is now abled to tipe Oldfrisian and Sylt Frisian

Dat fan us stöönt projekt tau ‘n interfräisk kaibōrt het annerlessens ‘n ferwīden krēgen. Sünt güster het däi ap ōk ‘n olfräisk un ‘n säilsk wōrdenbauk integræært. Föör däi wōrdenliest fan ‘t säilsk Nōrdfräisk bīdankent wī us häilundal bī Tanno Hüttenrauch, däi dat nōrdfräisk wōrdenbauk bīdrīven dājt. In däi tauken tīd plóónent wī dat no anner nōrdfräisk prōtwīsen mit wōrdenbauk d’r bī kōmen söölent. Däi ap gift nū al stöön bī dat tippen fan Bokkenhäirder Fräisk/Maursk, Dānsk, Düütsk, Engelsk, Fäirsk, Lēğlandsk, Ōstfräisk, Sóóterfräisk un Westfräisk mit ‘n wōrdenbauk.

Däi ap kann hir dóólhóólt worden:

Ap in d’ Google Play Store


East frisian names

East frisian names

In the project we are supporting for a standard East Frisian dictionary, our member Onno Feldmann now also regularly includes East Frisian first and last names. It is not about the pronunciation of the names in German, but the pronunciation in East Frisian. The old East Frisian names like Onno, Ubbo, Fokko are pronounced completely differently in East Frisian:

“That is because of abbreviations we have everywhere in East Frisia. In East Frisian, the name Ubbo is called Ueb and the Name Fokko is called Foek. I know this from my family as well as I am called Oen.” says Feldmann.

A pronounciation like this has never been documented in any way, except for Holger Weigelt, who described some of them. With this branch of our project we want to support the East Frisian language in this area and keep our names.

You can find the dictionary here:
Which language does the Ostfriesische Landschaft promote?

Which language does the Ostfriesische Landschaft promote?

People that write Ostfriesisches Platt frequently complain about the notation of the Ostfriesische Landschaft. It stands out that the Ostfriesische Landschaft refuses and rejects much ‘real’ east frisian words, although they are noticable in daily use of language. 

The Ostfriesische Landschaft also uses a notation, that does not fit phonetically to Ostfriesisches Platt. Where does this notation come from and why is it still used in public although its acceptance shrinks continuously in the east Frisian population?

The Jungfräiske Mäinskup asks: “Which language does the Ostfriesische Landschaft promote?” Here you can find the article.

We wish you a lot of fun.

Interfrisian Keyboard

As first Frisian organization, the Jungfräiske Mäinskup supports the release of an interfrisian App named ‘Interfrisian Keyboard’. The app is developed by the member Onno Feldmann and features a keyboard with integrated dictionary for all Frisian languages.

This app is a novelty for the Saterfrisian language, the east Frisian Platt and the north Frisian language. The Jungfräiske Mäinskup wants to promote Frisian and Frisian – low German languages by supporting this project. The app is already available in Googles Play Store.

Link to the app in Google Play Store


Artificial intelligence learns Ostfriesisches Platt

We at the Jungfräiske Mäinskup develop an artificial intelligence, that learns the East Frisian Platt. In the future  it is supposed to predict the next word in texts that are written on mobile devices. 

Artificial intelligence helps us on a daily basis, most of the time unrecognized, for example when we write a text on our computer or mobile device. We want to enable people to use these features also when they are writing in East Frisian Platt. 

More on this on the project side.